Making Money with Traffic Exchanges

In my last post I mentioned that I had begun a training program that teaches you how to get the most out of Traffic Exchanges. The big “hook” for me was the possibility of making $20 or more an hour simply surfing Traffic Exchanges (T/E’s).  And if you’re awake, and reading MY Blog post, you too would probably be interested in that kind of money for simply clicking away for a while.

Well, it’s not that simple. But you knew that, didn’t you? What I am learning is that WHAT you promote on the T/E’s can make a LOT of difference in your results.

Quick question:  How many things have YOU purchased that you saw on a T/E?  If I’m guessing correctly, your answer was probably NOTHING!  Right?

Well, if YOU aren’t buying anything, why would anyone else?

So, how does this work then?  First, you don’t promote pages that sell anything. Instead, offer something of value to your prospect for FREE. For them to get it, use a form to collect their name and email address (with your autoresponder).

Once you have their name and email address, you can email them on occasion (Not EVERY day with something to buy) and share some tips and tricks you’ve learned. And you can occasionally include a link to something YOU are promoting that they Might buy if you’ve created enough interest with your email series.

Build your list and share information with them. Don’t badger or always have something for them to buy. Give lots and you will gain their trust and when the time is right they will buy from you.

That’s what I’m gaining from my training so far.

More as time goes on…

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it.

David writes from Frederick, Maryland