Tracking your advertising for the best results.

If you’re not TRACKING your advertising, you are really wasting your time and money.  I had heard that for Sooooo long and totally ignored it.  Are you doing the same?  If so, take a few minutes and really get with this alternative that can really pay off for you.

Here we go so get ready to learn.  Turn off ALL your distractions for a few minutes, lock the door, turn off your phone and pay attention.

What is TRACKING?  Simply put, TRACKING allows you to know, visually with statistics, if your surfing or advertising is getting you results or not! If you read my Surfing page you know that I follow because they report which Traffic Exchanges give the best results for the week.  How do they know? They TRACK!

Here’s a quick example. I go to my tracker software and tell it to create me a link for my Traffic Hoopla affiliate link.  When I get that link, I use it on all of the ten top websites that are on the top-ten list from Hoopla and I use that same link on the top-ten sites from Affiliate Funnel.  Then I surf my socks off!  After a while, I log in to my tracker software and view the statistics for my Traffic Hoopla link.  It tells me, at a glance, how many cliks I’ve had from my surfing and IF there have been any conversions.

If you are buying credits on ANY website, you should be tracking what you’re advertising there to see if that is the BEST place to be spending your money.  Here’s why… Let’s say you have three places you want to advertise and you buy 1,000 credits on each of them.  You set up a tracking link for your campaign.  Then you use that link for your promotions on ALL THREE sites.  Yes, the same link.

Then you click to start the campaigns.  At the end of the 1,000 credits, you can see at a glance how many actual clicks you had on your exposures on these sites, how many actual exposures there were for the 1,000 credits (because some sites charge you several credits per exposure) and most importantly you can see if you had any conversions.  Now, do you start to see the value of Tracking?  Why I waited so darn long is totally unexplainable… but now that I know, its tracking heaven for me!

Want to get started?  There’s a great tracker that YOU can get FREE by going to the TEtoolbox.  You’ll find the Tracker under the Tools listing.  It’s super simple to use and there is a help feature if you need it.  Give TEtoolbox a go and you’ll soon find yourself tracking EVERYTHING!

To Your Success,

David Perkins (daveylee)

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