When it seems like your goal is impossible, stretch yourself to reach it!

We’ve all heard stories, lessons, seminars and maybe you’ve heard more regarding goal setting. Hopefully you have written goals? Goals that inspire you to do what it takes to get you where you want to go in life.  You do have written Goals, don’t you?

This short post is not about goal setting or planning.  It’s simply about setting and reaching your goals… no matter what it takes.

In the past I’ve done some part time work in retail and I actually set goals for myself to accomplish on each shift. When I was recognized for a particular sales achievement I was asked how I managed to repeatedly achieve these particular results. My response was that I managed to do that by setting GOALS to always sell “X” number of certain items or combinations thereof on each shift.  That response resulted in lots of questions as to how goal setting helped me to do that.

My reply was simple. Goal setting gave me something SPECIFIC to shoot for and then I got busy and put my best foot forward to make it happen.  Sometimes, when customer flow was slower, I really had to stretch to reach my goals and sometimes that mark was not reached. However, if there was no GOAL to reach, sales would slump and any bonus I’d expected from the pool would decrease.

So, Goal setting isn’t just for getting a Big House, a Fancy Car or to earn a Million Dollars in the next few months or years.  Goals can work in your everyday life and when you implement and use Goals on a regular basis to get you where you REALLY want to go in life you’ll find that you can get there MUCH faster! It might just get YOU recognized for doing what you’re PAID to do! Now wouldn’t that be sweet?

This is not to say that Goal Setting (and Gold Maintenance) shouldn’t be a VERY important part of getting to where you want to go in life. To learn some really great tips on Goal Setting, spend a few minutes watching and listening to one of my favorite mentors on this subject.  Click HERE

David Perkins
Frederick, Maryland

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