Getting into the habit of posting regularly takes commitment

Getting into the habit of posting regularly takes cormmitment and it takes really wanting what you can gain by becoming a “regular” on the blogging scene. As you can see by the irregular spacing of my posts, I’m not as regular as many of the bloggers who post regularly ?

Does that make me a “slacker?” Hopefully not! It’s just that life gets in the way and at the end of the day when there’s a choice of getting some sleep or doing the post I know I “should” make… sometimes the bed wins.

So how do you (or I) overcome the urge to rush off to dreamland and instead make that post that gets us one step closer to our goal of whatever we ultimately desire?

Nike came up with what I call the ULTIMATE one liner and that’s the attitude I have to take to get the job done. That One Liner? “Just Do It!”

So, here it is at 20 minutes after one in the morning and I’m sitting here hoping to come up with something inspiring and worthy of being read by someone who can and will relate to what I’m saying here. If that happens to be YOU… I’ll only ask you this: “How much longer do YOU want to put up with getting up early, getting dressed in clothes that aren’t paid for yet,  driving to work in a car that’s not paid for either… to a job that you hate but you have to keep so you can pay for the clothes and the car that you don’t own and so you can live in the house you don’t own and leave empty all day long so you can pay for it… someday, maybe???

Do you see why I’m still up at this hour of the morning? I could be sleeping you know… Instead I’m hoping some of you will see that you’re not alone.  You know… we can overcome! There’s hope yet…  and there’s a team that we can all work in and through to beat defeat.

Join me in beating the debt, the worry, the job and whatever else is driving you nuts! We can do this. Yes we can!  Join me here today at:   Let’s work together to win our separate battles, together!  OK?

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