Getting subscribers to YOUR blog with an RSS Feed

If you’re an aspiring writer and you long for a list of subscribers to your blog posts then take heart! This morning, while looking through a long list of articles that other writers have written about how to get traffic to your website… I discovered a really interesting article that has a list of 50 ways to gain RSS Subscribers to your blog.

What? You don’t know what RSS is? OK! RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication. A friend told me recently that if it was so darn simple that everybody would be using it and I sorta agreed. At least, until I read this morning’s article!

So… no more suspense! Go get it, read it and put it to GOOD USE. You’ll please notice that MY RSS Feed icon is no longer at the Bottom Right of the sidebar… but instead it is now at the TOP! Read it HERE!

If you don’t know how to move stuff around in the sidebar, email me and I’ll share the “How To” with you. email me at:

Have a great day and enjoy learning about how RSS Feeds can benefit YOU!

David Perkins

(aka: trafficmechanic)

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